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Summer readings

Summer time! What better way to celebrate the summer than reading? To do it on the beach, of course!
A list of fine summer readings that I strongly recommend:
1.“Passion” by Jeannette Winterson
This book discusses universal questions concerning the meaning of life and love. It focuses on the lukewarm people and their search of a particular passion that will lit their existence. The quest of finding the answers is held at the maze-like Venice with its secrets and powerful enigma. You will meet such interesting characters - Villanelle that has webbed feet and whose heart beats separately from her body or Henry - the sane madmen, that you will be enchanted and puzzled and eventually made to think and re-think.

2. “Flaubert’s Parrot” by Julian Barnes
This book tells us that there is no simple truth and the way to find any truth at all is no bed of roses. It tries to use the biography - writing discourse to create an autobiography of a sort. The protagonist and the narrator are one and the same person who constantly delays revealing clues about his identity or his crisis that made him tell the story. The structure of the book is very experimental and you can find an examination paper at some point. It is curious that the protagonist is trying to initiate a conversation of sorts with the reader. And the parrot is a very good metaphor of the fact that there is no such thing as single truth.
3. “The Blind Assassin” by Margaret Atwood
A love affair, a suicide, secrets and much more is what this incredible book offers. It combines love-making with story-telling and touches something very deep insight the reader. It plays with variety of genres and uses different discourses to divide between memory, recollections, events of the story and made-up pieces. It tells the story of two sisters who eventually fall in love with the same man. But the ending is a bit surprising!


More to read:
“Possession” by A.S. Byat
“Watching Me, Watching You” by Fay Weldon


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