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Book villains - part two - the vampire wave

The next lines are so not going to be about the teenage sweethearts/ wet dreams vampires like Edward Cullen - the Heathcliff wanna be/ afraid of his shadow/ 100-year-old virgin with an extremely bad taste (accept Debussy) creation of a desperate housewife or erotically exaggerated to match the commercial taste undead like Bill Compton or Erik the Northman.
I am talking about the classics of literature mythology that resurrect the initial fear of dead and unnatural, the taboo of incest and flesh-consuming allusions. Such vampires are Dracula - both the famous Stoker masterpiece and Kostova’s teasing character, the diabolically featured picture of Baron in the face of Pollidori’s lord Ruthven - “The vampyre. A tale” and the amazing Lestat  - Rice’s most naturalistic vampire.
Villains don’t sleep. And the next one is too busy looking at eternity to lose time sleeping. Dracula. The name was simply able to sent chills to the early Stoker’s readers. He is ultimately bloodthirsty - he consumes the power of life draining it from his victims. From time uno blood was considered as magical substance. In rituals blood was equal to life. And the wicked Count uses it to obtain immortality - the biggest human dream and desire. Once able to cheat the dead he is so charismatic that he captures the fears and dreams of all of us. He might be a literature character but he is a product of a long folklore tradition and superstition. I particularly like the moment in Stoker’s “Dracula” when is explained that his forbidden way of life is actually a rebellion against god’s judgment and objectiveness - which in a way is a repetition of the famous bible motif of theomachy. 

Lestat de Lion court - my English is too poor to describe the richness of this character. I bet he is the only vampire who became a rock star! He truly despise  human beings and however falls in love with what he hates in them! He turned his mother into a vampire and had a sexual relationship with her as well as his best friend. He is an artist and his music is so powerful that can awake the queen of the damned. But I like to see him more like an actor, performer because he is second to none when it comes to making illusions…
And after all isn’t life itself the grandest stage of all?


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