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Did you know?

Constance Mundy, Mrs. Talbot is the first women ever to be taken picture of.

Amandine Aurore Dupin, Baronness Dudevant is the real name of the French writer George Sand, who had relationship with the composer Shopen.

Auto da fe - the famous act of burning of literature and art pieces in translation reads: act of faith.

The name of Ernest Hemingway’s novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls” is a quotation from an essay of the English poet John Donne.

Robert Burns, the Bard of Scotland, was initiated into Masonic Lodge at the age of 22.

Mary Wollstonecraft, radical advocate of women’s rights is the mother of Mary Shelley. The young Mary, whose mother died after her birth, learned to read from the epitaph of Wollstonecraft’s grave.

It is tradition in England that the queen’s or king’s face is engraved at coins, in Scotland, however, the face on the coins belongs to Sir Walter Scott.

Edward Bulwer Lytton Dickens, the youngest son of Charles Dickens, named after famous Victorian writer, is the one whose occult and science fiction prose is thought to be an inspiration for Nazism.

The English poet Pope’s versification formula says that the sound should look like an echo of the meaning.

Erasmus Roterodamus, the famous Dutch humanist, was known to travel everywhere with his library, transported with a donkey. The scholar exchange program is named after him.

The Auschwitz prisoner Charlotte Delbo exchanged her daily ration of bread for a copy of “The misanthrope”.

Actually grotesques ( grottesche) are the pictures found buried in the ruins of Rome.

How the opera was born: the singer of cantos firmus held the sound, while the other one was singing his own notes of the musical score. The audience started to call the first one tenor - from the Italian word teneo, which means “to hold“.


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Social expectations and individual anxieties concerning sex and sexual stereotypes in Ian McEwan’s On Chesil Beach

I.                   Introduction Unlike Atonement , where at the very beginning the reader encounters an epigraph from Jane Austin that more or less pre-supposes intertextual clues for further reading, On Chesil Beach does not offer such accommodating leading first steps into its highly condensed narrative. Preoccupied with a single event that provides multivalent analyzing points, the dramatic intensity of the whole book is encoded in that condensed way of telling. 

История и разказ в Случаят Джем на Вера Мутафчиева

История и разказ в Случаят Джем на Вера Мутафчиева “Палачът груб, до лакти в кръв, не е ли чиновникът с червени ръкавели, който историята пише? Вечно с работа зает.” К . Кадийски. “Площадът на Бастилията ” Аристотел говори за разказа като m y thos . Митът , с генеративните си способности да създава и обяснява света, се родее както с литературата, така и с историята. Но разказът също може да бъде мит, както вторичният мит е литературна фикция и както писането на историята превръща нейни участъци в митологични. Опълченците на Шипка е “правене” на литературен мит, оповаващ се на ars memoriae ( лат. - изкуството на паметта) . Няма да е пресилено, дори да сведем иносказателното патетично внушение на Вазовия цикъл до изповедното Августиново възклицание: “Велика е силата на паметта!”. И за да не се отдалечаваме прекалено - Батак, като частен случай, който като синекдоха може да се отнесе към цялото Априлско въстание, е типичен пример за историческо събитие, превърнало се...

Robert Frost - fire and ice in verse

Some say Robert Frost is one of the most significant poets in modern American literature. Some critics push him in the margins of American literature. In a sense, Frost stands at the crossroads of nineteenth-century American poetry and modernism. He is either modernist but never innovator or his poetry is traditional but in original way. One of the most popular of his poems and usually anthologized is called “Fire and Ice”. The poem was originally published in December 1920 in Harper’s Magazine. And then added into Pulitzer prize winner poetry book New Hampshire. Simple as a theme, mirror like in verse and thought to be inspired by Dante’s Inferno, this poem may as well be read as subjective piece of art inspired by popular theory at that time that regards the end of the world. The main focus is in the emotional aspect of the poem, which makes “Fire and Ice” all time classic and highly preferable piece to read. In the very beginning of the poem a conflict is stated, a conflict ...